Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Met the ex-girlfriend today. It's the forth time I saw her and the time where I finally have the courage to try and call to say hi.
She hunged up on me and I saw it from distance. And I walked a big round just to avoid her and my heart told me to screw it. And I walk back, calling my best friend asking what to do. And as I was walking towards the direction, there I saw her walking towards my direction. We waved at each other. She smiled, and I panicked. We talked for a little bit and she sounded kinda distant and cold, and I know she was lying and equivocate some of my question, but it's understandable, it's like the first time we really talked since the break up. But yeah. This is the first time in the past four encounter for this week I finally have the guts to say hi. And apparently she was still cold and distant. But can you believe it? I saw her four times this week, and I only have the courage this 4th time to actually go to say hi. It is fate or what? four encounter in a week? I don't know...

Should I believe in fate? Or all these four encounter was just... coincidence? I would like to believe that it's fate, telling us that things are actually meant to be, perhaps we just need time? I don't know

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